Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yesterday we didn't do too much walking. We went to the area where she went to elementary and middle school. I finally ate their ice cream but I didn't get a picture but I will probably have it again so I will make a video because the servers play with the foreigners when they do it. The name of the ice cream is Dondurma which in English translates to "fox testicles". We met up with her best friend and her boyfriend and ate a lıttle lunch and them they took me to a pıckle place where they have all kinds of things pıckled. They put it all in a cup and then add either regular or hot pıckle juice. I had beans, pickles, and cabbage( tasted like grannys sauerkraut). Today we are going to Ortakoy and Bagdat street. We are going to a baked potato place!!! The first picture is from her friend's birthday party. The second is of the Blue Mosque and Haga Sofia. The fourth is an old train station that they are making into a hotel. I won't be able to have internet later today because we are going to a friends house and won't be home till late.


  1. It is really good!!! I will eat it again and take a pıc!

  2. we forgot to take a video of you when he was playing the game with you =) but remind me to do it in İstanbul.. and one more thing, "dondurma" means ice cream in english, but that specific type of ice cream is from the city Kahramanmaraş, and it is called Kahramanmaraş dondurma which translates into fox testicle ice cream in English. I think it is because it is very gummy. They usually add mastic gum(I don't know if it makes sense but that's how my dictionary translated it =) ) in it.
